Tuesday, December 2, 2008

First Snowmobile ride of the season

This is Caleb on the Snowmobile. Ryan was starting it up for the season and we took it up to see how it would run. Ryan took the boys for a ride and they loved it! It was about 60 degrees outside and so we didn't need coats. It was so warm that the Snowmobile kept getting over heated. We had to keep putting snow on it!

This is Ethan playing in the snow. It didn't stay to long at our house, so when he got the chance he jumped in! My kids love the snow so much! In fact, they wouldn't care if they were outside all of the time! They love being outside. Rain or shine, they want to be there. We are all excited to Santa to come this year. Maybe the kids will get a sled and they can have more fun in the snow!

We had a really fun time for Thanksgiving this year. We went up to my parents house in Wallsburg and ate lots of food! I made four pies and they were gone pretty fast. It was so much fun to see my sister, Jodie, and her family as we don't get to see them very often. The older kids to my kids on tons of 4 wheeler rides as well. My kids were in heaven! Ryan got us an early Christmas present, a membership to Golds Gym! I took the kids with me today and we all had fun doing our things. They have a playroom for the kids and a camera for me to watch while I'm working out. Love it! I'm so excited to be able to go to Cali next year, that I'm sure I'll be looking good after working out!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Seriously Funny!

Caleb is so funny!
This is a child toilet seat that is stuck on Caleb's head! I would like to tell you that this isn't the first time either! It truly makes me laugh. I'm sure that he doesn't think that it's funny when he can't get it off. I also got this recorded so we can watch it when he gets older. I'm sure we will all have fun laughing about it then too. Caleb is now wanting to do everything by himself. He doesn't like to snuggle with me as much either. That makes me sad sometimes, but other times it's nice to have a break.
Today we went to the storage unit to get Ryan's snowmobiling clothes. While we were there, Ethan had to get out our Christmas tree. He loves Christmas. The whole year we have to sing the Santa Clause song. (Santa Clause is coming to town.)

We are so excited to go up to my parents house for Thanksgiving this year! Everyone will be there, but Thom and his family. (They will come up later.) I'm making some pies, because I'm totally awesome at that! I'm also looking forward to giving my sister her facial! I'm also going to help her with getting a glamor look! Ryan is most excited that there is snow in the mountains and that he can go snowmobiling soon! Them boys are also very excited. They love to sit on the snowmobile and pretend to ride it.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween Night!

Ethan is a dinosaur (Barney) and Caleb is a dragon. They had so much fun trick or treating! We didn't go to very many houses because we don't need all that sugar! My kids have enough energy without it. Also because it was very warm they were getting too hot. So much for trying to beat the weather. When we got back to the house after getting some candy, Daddy was there surprising us! He had been in Sun Valley, ID for work and we didn't know when he was going to be home. Ethan and Caleb were also big helpers to pass out candy to other kids. We then went to see our dear friends the Bonhams whom has taken Ryan in like a son. We had a wonderful Halloween and look forward to many more.

Friday, October 31, 2008


Our Pumpkin Scooby Doo!

We got this pumpkin and we had to draw on this first because we didn't want it to go bad. So if you can't see Scooby Doo look closer! We've had so much fun doing this! (OK, I had so much fun doing this!) The boys are super excited to go trick or treating! They woke up this morning and asked if they could go trick or treating right then. I said that we have to wait until tonight.

Caleb is being a big helper! We wast trying to get the guts out! He is going to be a dragon this year and is so happy about it.

Here is Ethan looking and playing with the guts! He is going to be Barney. Carter was Barney one year and we found the costume, so Ethan is Barney.

Here I am carving the pumpkin. Ethan REALLY likes to take pictures now. So as you can see it is a little blurry and I'm looking super cute!

I'll be putting pictures in of the boys going trick or treating later.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Zoo again...

We went to the zoo again with Grandma Holt. They were having a play date with some of the mom's in her ward. So we got invited to come. It's nice since we have a pass to the zoo and one person gets in free. It's also nice because I don't know that many people in our own ward. (I guess I haven't really tried.) We had so much fun! I love getting out with my kids and teaching them things. Plus it's just nice to get out with other mom's and their kids going other places then each others homes or the park. I'm very grateful to be able to stay home with my kids. They teach me so much. (Patience is the one I seem to always be working on.) But mostly my love for them keeps growing over the time that we spend together. Here are some pictures of our day out.
Ethan and his new best friend James.

Ethan and one of the babies. My kids love babies.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I am: working on Mary Kay stuff, while the kids are sleeping.
I think: that I can do whatever I put my mind to.
I know: that faith is essential in all things.
I want: to be able to help provide for my family.
I dislike: the negativity in the world.
I miss: going on a date with Ryan every once in awhile.
I fear: that I might do things wrong.
I feel: very tired. I stayed up to clean the house until 1:00AM
I hear: the fridge running. (I looked it is still there!)
I smell: a clean house!
I crave: fruit.
I cry: when I get frustrated, upset or sometimes for no reason at all.
I usually: like to be on top of things.
I search: my brain, Ryan's brain and God's for answers.
I wonder: what it will be like when I make Director in Mary Kay.
I regret: when I haven't been the greatest friend I could have been.
I love: my family and friends.
I care: about how others are feeling and their needs.
I always: wondering how I can be better.
I worry: being a good mom, if I'm teaching my kids the right things.
I am not: looking back. I can't change the past.
I remember: too much.
I believe: we are who we make ourselves.
I dance: just because it makes me feel better.
I sing: whenever I can. It's my other passion. I don't always: remember to say the right thing.
I argue: when I feel threatened or when I know I'm right. (Sometimes I'm not)
I write: on my blog and to friends.
I win: for finding the man that makes me happy and my cute little boys!
I lose: weight if I work on it.
I wish: to be better in all that I do.
I listen: to my husband and kids, family and friends. I'm a great listener.
I don't understand: why we hold on to the bad things that happen to us.
I can usually be found: at home with the kids.
I am scared: of not doing my best.
I need: to get a better schedule for myself.
I forget: things that are second nature for others.

I tag: Sommer, Erin

Monday, September 22, 2008


Mrror Lake

We decided to take a drive and head up into the mountains. We ended up at Mirror Lake. On the drive Ethan kept saying that he wanted to go up in the mountains. We tried to tell him that we were, but he just kept on asking. The weather was nice and cool. It started to thunder and lightning after awhile. We got back to the truck just after it started to rain a little. Ethan was asking if he could take some pictures. I had to delete a few because I don't really care what the roof of the truck looks like. He did take some good pictures though.

Here is a picture of the boys sitting on a tree by the lake. After we were walking for awhile, there were pine cones that kept falling out of one tree. Or so I thought. I looked up and there in that tree was a squirrel. It kept throwing pine cones off the tree. It was so funny. The boys got a kick out of it.
Ethan took this lovely picture of us by the lake. Not bad for a three year old huh? I think he did pretty good with this one.
After the Lake we decided to go see Provo River Falls. On the way Caleb was really tired. We tried to keep him away so that he could see the falls. I got it on our camcorder him falling asleep with a Cheetos in his mouth. We kept calling his name so he would wake up. We didn't want him to miss the Falls as they are so amazing. Almost as soon as we got to the falls the rain started to fall down on us. We got down to the falls took a picture and ran back up to the truck. Then it started to down pore. Caleb wouldn't go back to sleep in the truck after that.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Being silly


Caleb chilling out in a chair watching cartoons. Isn't he the biggest ham? Ethan trying to hide the fact that he is eating chips for breakfast. He loves to hide things and play little games like that. And this is a picture of me so I could show my sister how much I've changed since I saw her last. (Hi Jodie!) Any way we are just doing are thing in the morning time and have a good old day. I'm really excited for tonight because I get to pamper my Mom! We are going to have a good night with all the Mary Kay women at the studio getting facials, eyebrow wax and Olive Garden for dinner. Yea for us! I'm really excited since it has started getting cooler over the past few days and can hardly wait for the kids to get out and play in the snow! This family loves the snow. I said that already didn't I? I just thought I would say that again. I think the best part is sitting by the fire with hot cocoa. YUM! I don't really like to freeze. I'm also excited for Thanksgiving this year, because my whole family will be together in Wallsburg. Thanks to everyone for being so supportive!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Having fun

Ryan has been fixing the boat trailer and they boys wanted to say with him. Ryan set up a nice little bed in the boat for them to lay in. They have had so much fun playing in the boat! Good thinking Daddy! This way they can stay with Ryan and not get in all of his tools. Ethan and Caleb LOVE to play in the garage with Daddy's tools. Ryan doesn't like it so much because they make a mess. Plus the get all dirty and bring it in the house! The bath tub gets that ring of dirt around it. They are very active boys and I love them. If they weren't dirty would they really be having that much fun?
We are looking forward to the fall and most importantly the snow. For this Holt family loves to be out in it. Ethan and Caleb are all ready asking Ryan when they can go on the snowmobile. We have also be trying to do some winter clothes shopping to get them ready. They truly love to be outside and with their Dad.
We have also seen some of the Halloween costumes out. They boys have to ask me about everything. Ethan is now asking "why" all the time. Sometime I just have to end by saying, just because. They are such a joy to have around. I love my family!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

My "Job"

OK. Do you see this picture? This would be one reason why I started my Mary Kay business. My cute little boys and their fascination with my makeup. This is when they got into my mascara. There is another picture on my cell phone, but I couldn't get it to post to my blog, where Caleb put my lipstick from his nose down. Most importantly, I 'm got into this because I love people and have fun with others. I also want to make some money that I will be able to say home with my kids and provide the things they need. We are thankful to Christine Holt, (my sister in law) who introduced me to this business. I have already set up some appointments and am excited about getting going. I am also very thankful for Ryan who is so very supportive to me! He truly is a incredible man!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Thanksgiving Point


Today we went with Grandma Holt to Thanksgiving Point to see the Dinosaurs! There were a lot of people there today as it was only 2 dollars to get in. We looked at all the bones and there were some that were HUGE! Ethan and Caleb were having fun looking at all the fun exhibits they have there. They played in the water and sand box. Looked at the bones. (They weren't that interested in looking at all the little bones as much.) We did have a great time though. Thanks Grandma! They each got to take home a little something from the gift shop. Caleb got a lizard and a snake. Ethan got a snake and a terradactyl. We had a really fun time. They boys wanted to go home with Grandma, but they fell asleep in the car on the way home. Thank goodness for nap time. That gives me (Mommy) some time for myself.

This is a BIG shark behind the boys. We love to watch shark week on TV. The boys love sharks, fish, swimming, and most anything that deals with water. Speaking of water, Ryan went scuba diving this past weekend at Fish Lake. He hadn't been since before we were married. (Almost 6 years.) He told me that there were a ton of fish, beautiful plant life, and pretty warm. He had a wonderful time diving. We are hoping that he will be able to go more.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

2008 Olympics, China

Our boys in their
outfits from China!When Ryan went over to China twice this year, he brought some gifts back for us. The boys got Chinese silk outfits. We have been watching the Olympics and explaining that that is where Daddy went. I got out their clothes and took a really cute picture of them. They are so funny. Because the clothes are silk, the pants were falling down and very fun to slide in. I tried to teach them how to hold their hands and bow. Just for a fun little show for Daddy. Ethan says that he wants to do the high dive. He also wants to be a fireman and a police man. Caleb isn't really interested in watching the Olympics. He just likes to run around and jump on Ryan.
When Ryan was in China, he loved the food there. He also said that he was one of the biggest person walking around and that people would openly stare at him. He did enjoy both of his trips there. His boss at the time, Scott, took him to Ruth Chris Steak House in Hong Kong. He also had a massage, and a nice upgraded hotel room with a TV in the bathroom. He took some pictures, but I'm not sure where he has them on the computer. Anyway, we are really excited to watch the Olympics in China, maybe to see some of the places where Ryan went. We hope that you are enjoying them as well.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Swimming play time

We went to Aunt Marcie's apartment for a swimming birthday party for T.J. We put life jackets on the boys so they could swim easier. Ethan also did really good with just floaters on his arms. They both loved jumping in the pool to us. We all loved playing with the boys in the pool. On the right you can see Ethan on Ryan's shoulders, he would do flips off into the water. He is such a little fish. Ethan scared us by just jumping in the pool without anyone waiting for him and with no floats on. It was a good thing Carter was near by in the pool and could help him. On the left you see Caleb playing on the steps. We were ready to go and he had to get his feet wet again. We had a nice time with the Holt family.

We cut the boys hair the other day. OK they got a buzz. We thing that they look so cute! They truly are a joy to have around. Here is Ryan playing superman with the boys. We have the two so they have to do the same thing at the same time. It's a good thing that Daddy is so strong! We are looking forward to more fun things to do for the summer.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Water Fun

Ethan and Toby in the little pool.

Ethan & Caleb in the sprinkler.

We went over to Grandma and Grandpa Holt's house to help with some projects. As soon as we got there, the boys saw that Grandpa had a sprinkler on in the back yard. Off came all the clothes and into the water they went. They had so much fun playing in the water, but Mom made them get out and put on sun screen and swimming suits. (I'm no fun huh.) They had so much fun they stayed outside playing in the water for hours.
Ryan is getting his parents fireplace ready to put rock on the back. We also helped with painting the big room green with Grandpa and Grandma. Ryan, Steve, T.J. and Carter all went to the new Batman movie while Susan, Ethan, Caleb and I took naps. Oh the summer fun.

The Zoo again

We went to the Zoo for Kaylee's 2nd birthday party. We got to ride on the carousel. T.J. was standing by Caleb and the guy that worked there wanted me to come stand by my sons. He then told Carter that he could come stand by his Dad, Ryan.
We thought this was funny, because we would have been about 15 to have T.J. and Carter. This is also not the first time that we have been mistaken for their parents. (For those of you who don't know who they are, they are Ryan's little brothers.) It was good to see Adam, Christine and Kaylee. Christine made yummy cupcakes for everyone and had Kaylee blow out the candles on one. We hope that the cousins will be able to get together more to play.

Our Family at the Zoo. The guys at home, playing games.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Currant creek

The FAM!

Here we are camping at Currant creek. (Yes I finally put a picture of myself on our blog.) We took Carter, Ryan's little brother, and the boat with us. We went fishing a lot, but only ended up catching one fish. I started off the day camping as a accident waiting to happen. First I stubbed my toe with the propane tank, next I sliced open my finger with a fish hook, then I knocked over the gas can in the boat and it all drained out. Last, but not least, Ryan accidentally sprayed me in the eye with bug spray. However, after all of that, it was nice to be able to have a nap and the campsite all by myself for a few hours, while the guys went fishing.

Here are the guys on the boat. They think that it's fun, but Caleb doesn't sit very still. He loves to put his hand in the water. Ethan likes to lay down and have the sun shine on him. It was nice to have Carter with us to help us with the little boys. Too bad that we only caught one fish on this trip. We may not be going back there this summer because of that. Ryan, on the other hand, is the best camping cook ever. I hardly ever cook when we go camping. LOVE IT! We love going camping with our boys. They are such a joy to have around. It's fun to see them learning new things while we camp. We do have to be careful though because Ethan tries to go potty outside at home after camping. The things we have to learn!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

The 4th weekend



OK, so I'm not very good at this blog thing yet, but I'm getting there. For the 4th of July weekend we went up to Brighton and had breakfast with Ryan's Mom, Dad & little brothers T.J. and Carter. After we went for a walk around the lake. Ethan was crying because his shoes were hurting. We stopped and figured out that his shoes were too small. (He is now wearing a size 12!) So between Grandpa and Daddy, we made it through with him. Caleb on the other hand had to stop and look at every little thing that he saw. This dirt looks different, look at this log, look at the water etc... Needless to say, he and Grandma were the last ones to the car. After we drove over the pass and into Midway. There we stopped and had a chat with Aunt Jill in the Midway house.
We also went up to my parents house up in Wallsburg. There we got to play outside with the kittens and ride the 4 wheelers. Grandpa and Daddy went fishing on our boat the next morning. I think that my Dad was a bit upset that Ryan caught more fish than he did. Ryan's cousin Conner and his family with Aunt Jill, came up to Wallsburg to see where I grew up.
It has also been 6 years on the 4th that my Mom had her brain aneurysm. We almost lost her. The doctors kept saying that she had about a 1% chance to survive. She has been such a miracle to all of us. She is doing well, even tho she says that she is not. She still has a hard time remembering things.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Camping at San Rafeal

We went camping with Marcie and Beau down at San Rafael by Castle Dale. We had a fun time playing in the dirt and chasing lizards. Ryan, Marcie, Beau and friends went river rafting on the San Rafael river. The boys think camping is so cool and want to go again soon.
Our Camping View

Ethan's first fish!
After packing up our camping stuff, we went to a near by reservoir to see if the fish were biting. I was casting the line out for Ethan and letting him reel it in. After a few times, he was reeling it in and I looked down. There was a fish on the line. Ethan was so excited! He was yelling and jumping up and down. This was the first fish that he caught.

Later Caleb helped Ryan pull in a fish on his line. He wasn't as excited as Ethan, but I know that he enjoyed being by the water. He would go in and then say that it was too cold and get back out again.
We are looking forward to going camping and fishing more this summer. Ryan has gotten our boat up and running. I know that he is looking forward to going out soon. (This weekend)

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Holt Family Outing

Dave, Heather, William
Ethan, Ryan and Caleb.
We went to the zoo already this summer. The boys thought it was really cool to run around looking at all the animals. Caleb was so upset because he wanted to go in and play with the white alligator. We tried to explain that it just isn't possible to play with it. He just didn't understand. Ethan loved growling at the tiger. After awhile the tiger got bored, got up and moved away so he wouldn't have to hear. We went with Ryan's great Aunt Shirley and while we were there we ran into our friends Dave and Heather Boone and their son William. We only stayed for a few hours and will be going again. We have a year pass and are planning to go with other family members and friends.