Saturday, November 15, 2008

Seriously Funny!

Caleb is so funny!
This is a child toilet seat that is stuck on Caleb's head! I would like to tell you that this isn't the first time either! It truly makes me laugh. I'm sure that he doesn't think that it's funny when he can't get it off. I also got this recorded so we can watch it when he gets older. I'm sure we will all have fun laughing about it then too. Caleb is now wanting to do everything by himself. He doesn't like to snuggle with me as much either. That makes me sad sometimes, but other times it's nice to have a break.
Today we went to the storage unit to get Ryan's snowmobiling clothes. While we were there, Ethan had to get out our Christmas tree. He loves Christmas. The whole year we have to sing the Santa Clause song. (Santa Clause is coming to town.)

We are so excited to go up to my parents house for Thanksgiving this year! Everyone will be there, but Thom and his family. (They will come up later.) I'm making some pies, because I'm totally awesome at that! I'm also looking forward to giving my sister her facial! I'm also going to help her with getting a glamor look! Ryan is most excited that there is snow in the mountains and that he can go snowmobiling soon! Them boys are also very excited. They love to sit on the snowmobile and pretend to ride it.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween Night!

Ethan is a dinosaur (Barney) and Caleb is a dragon. They had so much fun trick or treating! We didn't go to very many houses because we don't need all that sugar! My kids have enough energy without it. Also because it was very warm they were getting too hot. So much for trying to beat the weather. When we got back to the house after getting some candy, Daddy was there surprising us! He had been in Sun Valley, ID for work and we didn't know when he was going to be home. Ethan and Caleb were also big helpers to pass out candy to other kids. We then went to see our dear friends the Bonhams whom has taken Ryan in like a son. We had a wonderful Halloween and look forward to many more.