Sunday, July 27, 2008

Water Fun

Ethan and Toby in the little pool.

Ethan & Caleb in the sprinkler.

We went over to Grandma and Grandpa Holt's house to help with some projects. As soon as we got there, the boys saw that Grandpa had a sprinkler on in the back yard. Off came all the clothes and into the water they went. They had so much fun playing in the water, but Mom made them get out and put on sun screen and swimming suits. (I'm no fun huh.) They had so much fun they stayed outside playing in the water for hours.
Ryan is getting his parents fireplace ready to put rock on the back. We also helped with painting the big room green with Grandpa and Grandma. Ryan, Steve, T.J. and Carter all went to the new Batman movie while Susan, Ethan, Caleb and I took naps. Oh the summer fun.

The Zoo again

We went to the Zoo for Kaylee's 2nd birthday party. We got to ride on the carousel. T.J. was standing by Caleb and the guy that worked there wanted me to come stand by my sons. He then told Carter that he could come stand by his Dad, Ryan.
We thought this was funny, because we would have been about 15 to have T.J. and Carter. This is also not the first time that we have been mistaken for their parents. (For those of you who don't know who they are, they are Ryan's little brothers.) It was good to see Adam, Christine and Kaylee. Christine made yummy cupcakes for everyone and had Kaylee blow out the candles on one. We hope that the cousins will be able to get together more to play.

Our Family at the Zoo. The guys at home, playing games.

1 comment:

Adam and Christine said...

It was fun to see you and the boys. Time will tell how things will go.