Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I am: working on Mary Kay stuff, while the kids are sleeping.
I think: that I can do whatever I put my mind to.
I know: that faith is essential in all things.
I want: to be able to help provide for my family.
I dislike: the negativity in the world.
I miss: going on a date with Ryan every once in awhile.
I fear: that I might do things wrong.
I feel: very tired. I stayed up to clean the house until 1:00AM
I hear: the fridge running. (I looked it is still there!)
I smell: a clean house!
I crave: fruit.
I cry: when I get frustrated, upset or sometimes for no reason at all.
I usually: like to be on top of things.
I search: my brain, Ryan's brain and God's for answers.
I wonder: what it will be like when I make Director in Mary Kay.
I regret: when I haven't been the greatest friend I could have been.
I love: my family and friends.
I care: about how others are feeling and their needs.
I always: wondering how I can be better.
I worry: being a good mom, if I'm teaching my kids the right things.
I am not: looking back. I can't change the past.
I remember: too much.
I believe: we are who we make ourselves.
I dance: just because it makes me feel better.
I sing: whenever I can. It's my other passion. I don't always: remember to say the right thing.
I argue: when I feel threatened or when I know I'm right. (Sometimes I'm not)
I write: on my blog and to friends.
I win: for finding the man that makes me happy and my cute little boys!
I lose: weight if I work on it.
I wish: to be better in all that I do.
I listen: to my husband and kids, family and friends. I'm a great listener.
I don't understand: why we hold on to the bad things that happen to us.
I can usually be found: at home with the kids.
I am scared: of not doing my best.
I need: to get a better schedule for myself.
I forget: things that are second nature for others.

I tag: Sommer, Erin

1 comment:

Tennant Family said...

Alrighty, I did it! It's posted on mine now! And it's weird...I have your blog in my blog roll thingy and it keeps disappearing. And it's just yours. Everyone else's is fine. So, if you look on mine and notice that yours is gone, don't be offended. I didn't take you off. :) And I did finally catch that I had your name spelled incorrectly for quite awhile, but I have fixed it now. Sorry about that. People spell mine wrong all the time and it's annoying. Have a fabulous day!