Sunday, September 27, 2009

Moving along...

Well a lot has been going on in our lives over the past few months. First Ryan had a birthday and turned 32! Then I got a job and MedUSA doing medical billing. This has been both hard and exciting The boys now go to day care and has been harder on Caleb than Ethan. Every day that I talk to Caleb on the phone he sounds so sad. He always asks if I can pick him up now. That has been really hard, but he seems to be doing a lot better with it. Ethan likes to be with his friends when he goes, but has a hard time now and then. I sure love my kids!
Work has been good and I'm doing well at it. It have been interesting to get back involved in a work environment. Though as hard as it is to leave the kids everyday, it is also fulfilling to be working on something else as well.

Ethan has been really excited about Ryan's new ipod that he got for his birthday. Ethan is very good at playing all the games on it. His faviorte is the motorcycle game. He is better than I am. What a fun time. Our kids are so big that they are over 100% in their height and weight. I can't believe how fast time has gone and how big they are.

I'm so glad that I get to be their Mom and have these special boys in my life. They really keep me going. (They are very active!) They are so excited for Halloween that we already bought them a month ago. I can't wait to take them treat or treating this year. Ethan is going to be a tiger and Caleb is going as a spider. They are so cute!

Ryan has started his own business RJ Holt Construction. He is enjoying working for himself. We are very proud of him for taking this on. He is such a wonderful, husband and father. We all enjoy having him around with us.


The Shepherd family said...

Good luck with everything, I'm sure that would be hard to be at work with the boys that young still, hang in there, hope all works out for you guys

Ryan and Trudi said...

I love my kids aren't they cute?